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This is a startlingly hi-fi summary of my talk ! The only comments I have to make are that the "marked data" is actually MARC data (Machine Readable Cataloging) though I sort of prefer "marked data..." Also, in my slides I link to the delicious collections I mention.

You are right that I didn't expand on "mirrors" -- I should have built on the point made earlier in the conference that people like to see their own work, though you intuited that quite well.

Marti Hearst could probably correct some of my faux-science. I think she said that six was the usual limit of what people apply.
This is a great summary, and I'll link to it!

Pete Warden

Thanks Karen, I've corrected the MARC/marked error, and also added the link to the Watkins Law Library.

That was a great talk, I'm glad I could help pass some of it on.

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