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Lou Paglia

Pete: Great to see your coverage of the panel discussion. It was one where I think we were only able to scratch the surface. There are so many issues around discovery it is tough to make a lot of headway in 45 minutes.

Building on some of your points above, content will always be a critical factor in search and discovery conversation. Whether free, fee, implicit, explicit or derived via semantic web (such as the Dapper guys discussed later).

Commercially, I think it is about "value creation" and solving the problems for the user and that there needs to be renewed focus on the user, what are they trying to accomplish. The content is a huge piece of the formula. The other piece is the technologies used and how they are deployed to provide valuable search and discovery solutions in the way the user needs it. Current awareness search and the ability to answer hard questions are two search paradigms. I do not believe that they will be solved through the same methods but do believe that search and discovery can be used to solve both.

Furthermore, where there is value created in a service, people are willing to use it and pay. In certain cases, ad solutions are the way to go where advertisers are paying and in others, payment will remain in the subscription service. I see strong parallels with other pay services such as ERP, CRM and enterprise search, all will face this challenge so the value has to be there.

I'm glad to re-capped the time conversation. I loved the fact that time came. It is something I don't think is though of as much as it should when we think value on the web. But time is becoming critically important as the flow of the web information becomes faster and faster. I work for Dow Jones/Factivabut in the Factiva business, we've understood the importance of time since the beginning. That is why we have a 30 year archive of relevant business news and information. Recently we've couple that with emerging discovery technologies where users can drill into relevant results via time. This was something I could not let slip by and had to mention because the ability is out there...

Anyway, just some thoughts. Defrag was a fantastic conference, really great set of people working through some of the tough issues that we face today and some issues that will be created as we continue to move the technologies forward.

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