I loved Mike Nolet's work on guessing your gender from your browsing history, and on my bike ride this morning got inspired to produce a tag cloud of whats on your mind, based on the sites you've visited. Just click on the button below, and after a few seconds your very own brain cloud will appear. Click here to see it on a full page.
If you want the gory technical details, I used the del.icio.us API to extract the top tags for all the sites originally listed by Mike. I put those into a PHP script that takes a list of sites and writes out the top tags for those URLs, with the size controlled by how often they come up and their popularity. You can download the full source code (including the script that fetches the tags from del.icio.us) here.
If you have any trouble getting this working, or are surprised by the results, drop me a comment below. One known problem with the history guessing is that Internet Explorer is a bit slow. Oh, and tag clouds are so 2005, apparently.
[Update- There's now a political version here, that also fixes the IE problems]