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--Edward Cullen

The author of the Twilight series is Mormon and the books amount to propaganda for the abstinence-until-marriage movement. Considering the pent-up angst, relationship drama, and hunky teen characters, I wonder whether they effectively convey that message.

GWTW fan

Ashley is the name of a river in South Carolina - it's also the name of a (male) character in "Gone with the Wind" which probably helps account for its popularity.

Rory McCann

Sounds cool. How did you get the raw data? How did you generate the graphics?

It would be cool to do this for Europe and other regions.

Andrew Robinson

Great insights.

Would be great to see this on a global level or for other countries, e.g. UK?

How did you get the data?


Phoenix is the fifth-largest city in the United States, so I am not sure what you mean by "much wider connections than you'd expect for towns their size." Do you mean much wider connections than Houston (the fourth-largest city) or Philadelphia (the sixth-largest city)?

Julia S.

What a cool analysis! The Twilight/Mormonism link you speculated on reminded me of this series of hilarious posts on the subject: http://stoney321.livejournal.com/317176.html - seriously, read them and lol.

I wonder how boring Pacifica would end up being on a world-wide map analysis. Lots of Canadian/Asian connections here...


I was fascinated some years ago by the book The Nine Nations of North America by Joel Garreau. He used economic and cultural connections to divide the map (and included Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean), but as I recall it seemed remarkably consistent with your observation. It would be interesting to see some comparison.


Wow. I would never have the smarts to look stuff like this up.

But..I do like the Twilight series and..as a parent...I can't say that the abstinence until marraige message is unwelcomed! (If that was even the reason for the books...somehow with the interviews I've seen and read I'm not thinking that was fully on her mind when Stephanie Meyer wrote the series).

Very cool info, though!


hi, this is a very basic split up, we can split it up in more detailed manner, thanks alice


Great insights.

Would be great to see this on a global level or for other countries, e.g. UK?



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This is the way the US is supposed to split around the year 2010. As you can see, every part of the former USA will soon be under the control of other nations -- including Mexico, Canada, the EU, Russia, China, and perhaps Japan. Oddly, Cuba did not end up with southern Florida, which by all rights it should possess after such a split.
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I wonder how boring Pacifica would end up being on a world-wide map analysis. Lots of Canadian/Asian connections here...


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Thanks Ron. That makes sense.

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perhaps Japan. Oddly, Cuba did not end up with southern Florida, which by all rights it should possess after such a split.
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Looks like one big useless propaganda, in our time the people are trying to get united and not be deviated for more countries, so this plan is not so relevant. I hope I always will visit the states as united.


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Ashley is the name of a river in South Carolina - it's also the name of a (male) character in "Gone with the Wind" which probably helps account for its popularity. http://www.mediafilelinks.com

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