Place graphs are the new social graphs - Fascinating work by Matt Biddulph, looking for geographic analogies (for example tell me the neighborhood in New York that's most similar to Noe Valley in San Francisco).
Yet another government portal to ignore - Though they're a massive step forward conceptually, most government open data efforts are crippled by terrible usability. I still find myself digging through the FTP server for the US Census, after failing to navigate their web interfaces.
Angels of the Right - There's been a lot of attempts to produce graphs showing networks of influence, but this is by far the most approachable and informative I've seen. It's actually useful for discovering things! Even better, Skye's helped package the code behind it into an open-source framework called nodeviz.
Data Illumination - An intriguing new data blog that's just started. Not much content yet, but I like what's there so far. I'm guessing the more readers and commenters appear, the more likely we'll keep getting more.
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - Free elevation data for the entire world, with samples as close as 30m in the US, and 90m for the rest.